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Image of Dr. Jones Quaidoo

Dr. Sean M. Jones-Quaidoo has been providing care to back pain patients in the greater Dallas area for the last few years, and with the opening of his new office in Allen, TX he and his team at Spine Vue are bringing his trademark compassionate and comprehensive care to North Dallas.

The new Spine Vue office in Allen, Texas is located at 1101 Raintree Cir #240, 75013. This office will provide treatment for all types of back pain and spine conditions to the people of Collin County, including the communities of McKinney.

Dr. Jones-Quaidoo is a fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon. He specializes in degenerative spine conditions such as degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, sciatica, stenosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, spondylolysis, and spondylolisthesis. However, he also provides customized care for all manner of back conditions and spine conditions caused by trauma, injury or other factors.

Though Dr. Jones-Quaidoo is highly trained and skilled in traditional back surgeries and spine surgeries, also known as open-back surgeries, he specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques for the spine and back in order to provide his patients with the best possible care, the quickest possible recovery, and the lowest chance of complications. The back surgeries he performs include discectomy, spinal fusion, laminectomy, vertebral body replacement, and decompression, among other procedures.

While Dr. Jones-Quaidoo is a leading spine surgeon, the Spine Vue Clinic will be providing North Dallas patients with a broad range of non-surgical treatment options, only resorting to surgery when absolutely necessary.

With the creation of the new Spine Vue office in Allen, TX, Dr. Jones-Quaidoo is proud to be bringing his team’s brand of entirely individualized care to the people of Allen, McKinney. If you are suffering from back pain in the North Dallas area, don’t hesitate to give us a call, see our website at to call and schedule your appointment.